Heath Cullen has released a trailer for his upcoming album. The album will be released on April 17. (2 weeks later then earlier mentioned).
Besides producing, we find out that Joe also has written the lyrics for Song that I know on this album.
It was also Joe's first active producing session after the cancerdiagnosis. Like he says himself in the clip : "When you see Heath Cullen, thank him!"
Anyway; I ordered my copy, now it's up to you !
And have you heard Heath's version of Time is a Lion ?
Life in Music inspired by Joe Henry
zondag 29 maart 2020
vrijdag 27 maart 2020
Touring update
Joe's website has posted the updates concerning his tour.
Take care out there...
Take care of Each Other
With Love,
The U.S. dates are rescheduled for July and August.
The European tour has been cancelled.
It will come as no surprise that Joe’s planned European tour dates have all been cancelled. We will be attempting to reschedule as many as we can, but it’s unclear at this point when that will be possible. Stay tuned. And stay safe.
And also Nowhere Else Fest has been cancelled for this year.
Due to health concerns, Nowhere Else Festival has been postponed for one year until May 28-30, 2021. Our entire amazing lineup reconfirmed for 2021. Grateful. Please make plans to join us for an especially meaningful & celebratory gathering. #hope #healing https://t.co/pVeZkvWo3q pic.twitter.com/oeGtGA7c6H
— Over the Rhine (@overtherhine) March 21, 2020
Take care out there...
Take care of Each Other
With Love,
zondag 22 maart 2020
zaterdag 21 maart 2020
Our lives since 10 days
10 days in....
10 days ago life changed....
10 days ago......
Let me first say that me and my family are all in good health, and the following may seem not of the most importance, but we are financially stable. (for a lot of people here it can become a drama.)
A Pandemic is visiting human kind, and in a way it is showing us what really is the most important thing : 'Taking care of eachother' (I mostly prefer to write each other, because it displays more what I mean). Taking care of each other, in all means possible.
Let me first open up on what I actually do for a living.
My professional life exists out of 2 elements. I work in the pre-production fase of the entertainement sector. Our jobs consist f.e. of the huge Arenaproductions and big summerfestivals... I make technical designs, and do calculations on structures that need to be hung and placed in such enviroments. We want them to keep hanging and standing off course.
Besides that, I teach the upcoming generation in this field. It's a 2 year course in the senior years of Highschool. When my students finished their course (if all goes well at the age of 18), they can either go to work, or decide to specialise them by a bachelor or master education.
10 Days ago our Governement took their first measures concerning the Corona-pandemic. (They have been sharpened in the mean time). 1 of the measures back then, was that events with crowds bigger then 999 people were forbidden....
Well, you can imagine the problem that creates for the specific company I work for. Let me say it blunt : within 24 hours the orderbook was empty. Not only in Belgium, but in all of Europe pressure was on, and they all shut down. Within 24 hours I was technically unemployed in this area. Within 48 hours our entire stage-art world pauzed. (theater, dance, musical, exhibitions, concerts,.... ) An entire industry stopped.
The next day it was decided that schools were to be closed.....
It doesn't imply that there are no courses anymore, we are just not allowed to sit together in a room. The building is empty, but we keep on teaching. It works ! Using livestream, chats and videochats I am teaching. At the hours we normally have lessons, me and my students sit behind our computers at home and learn. It is of course impossible to keep on doing this forever. Today, it is only 2 weeks until the Easterholiday. up to then we can do this. I hope it will be possible to meet my students again in real life after that. Not only for the quality of their learningprocess, but because I care for them....
In the meantime, off course, my 2 children are at home, but also my wife has to work from home. So here we are, together at home, and instructed to keep within our 'familybubble' and not seek contact with others. So we can go outside, but stay among our verry close circle, even if we take a walk in the neighbourhood and in the park. It is advised to restrict other contact to the absolute necessary : groceries, doctors, pharmacists. (All the other stores are closed anyway). Luckily for my family it is only groceries for us.
I believe these measures are necessary. Currently in Belgium the official amount of infections is 2815 (Who knows how many are not tested?). we have 1089 patients in the hospital, 238 people are in intensive care, 167 people are on a respirationmachine. 67 people have died in the meantime. 58 people are cured and left the hospital. For now our hospitals can cope.
(Our country is around 30.500km2 and we live here with approx. 11,5 Milj. people.)
We need to control this virus, and keep it from spreading. Especially for the vulnerable people. My children will be fine, me and my wife will probably be fine, but our parents, and people with health issues are not. That is one reason for this social distancing, but there is also a practical side. We need a healthcare system that can deal with this,... and then we end up with the already famous Graphic. We need to slow down the virus... To describe it more visually : We don't need more people going to the hospital then the hospital can cope with. Thanks to these measures, so far, our country can cope. Unfortunatly Italy's and Spain's system is slowly collapsing....
So now, here we are at home. We notice suddenly that it is possible to perform our basic daily duties, and at the same time spend time with the family, but also give eachother enough space like everyone needs now and then. Off course we miss social contact. We miss our friends, Going to restaurants. I miss having a beer with friends, seeing concerts and shows. But it is the situation today. Our children don't have their weekly boyscout-meetings, so we're doing that at home. We are playing games, reading books, watching movies and series. We are performing music, listening to music, and starting personal projects we've put on the shelf for so long.
The 1 big side effect is the hoarding of food and (mainly) toiletpaper. I don't get it. We all receive pictures, videos, advise from stores,... on how our warehouses are filled. There is no problem. The reason that shelfs are empty is the fact that staff can't keep up with filling them in the store. I went to the store yesterday, and the shell for toiletpaper was completely empty. I don't get that, we are a week in... How much toiletpaper do you need ?
Helas it has the effect that people working in hospitals, go to the store at the end of the day and don't find enough suply for themselfs. The people who earn it much more than I do(and many others), I believe. They are currently our heroes.
We thank and support every nurse, doctor and staff. They are working the hardest these days. Nationally we applaud out of the window everyday from our house, and my wife is sewing mouthmasks for the staff of a retirement home in the neighbourhood.
It works, ... so far.
Today is World Syndrom day where we pay extra attention to people with down syndrom, by putting on different socks.
Take care of yourself,
Take care of each other
Much Love,
Stefan and family.
10 days ago life changed....
10 days ago......
Let me first say that me and my family are all in good health, and the following may seem not of the most importance, but we are financially stable. (for a lot of people here it can become a drama.)
A Pandemic is visiting human kind, and in a way it is showing us what really is the most important thing : 'Taking care of eachother' (I mostly prefer to write each other, because it displays more what I mean). Taking care of each other, in all means possible.
Let me first open up on what I actually do for a living.
My professional life exists out of 2 elements. I work in the pre-production fase of the entertainement sector. Our jobs consist f.e. of the huge Arenaproductions and big summerfestivals... I make technical designs, and do calculations on structures that need to be hung and placed in such enviroments. We want them to keep hanging and standing off course.
Besides that, I teach the upcoming generation in this field. It's a 2 year course in the senior years of Highschool. When my students finished their course (if all goes well at the age of 18), they can either go to work, or decide to specialise them by a bachelor or master education.
10 Days ago our Governement took their first measures concerning the Corona-pandemic. (They have been sharpened in the mean time). 1 of the measures back then, was that events with crowds bigger then 999 people were forbidden....
Well, you can imagine the problem that creates for the specific company I work for. Let me say it blunt : within 24 hours the orderbook was empty. Not only in Belgium, but in all of Europe pressure was on, and they all shut down. Within 24 hours I was technically unemployed in this area. Within 48 hours our entire stage-art world pauzed. (theater, dance, musical, exhibitions, concerts,.... ) An entire industry stopped.
The next day it was decided that schools were to be closed.....
It doesn't imply that there are no courses anymore, we are just not allowed to sit together in a room. The building is empty, but we keep on teaching. It works ! Using livestream, chats and videochats I am teaching. At the hours we normally have lessons, me and my students sit behind our computers at home and learn. It is of course impossible to keep on doing this forever. Today, it is only 2 weeks until the Easterholiday. up to then we can do this. I hope it will be possible to meet my students again in real life after that. Not only for the quality of their learningprocess, but because I care for them....
In the meantime, off course, my 2 children are at home, but also my wife has to work from home. So here we are, together at home, and instructed to keep within our 'familybubble' and not seek contact with others. So we can go outside, but stay among our verry close circle, even if we take a walk in the neighbourhood and in the park. It is advised to restrict other contact to the absolute necessary : groceries, doctors, pharmacists. (All the other stores are closed anyway). Luckily for my family it is only groceries for us.
I believe these measures are necessary. Currently in Belgium the official amount of infections is 2815 (Who knows how many are not tested?). we have 1089 patients in the hospital, 238 people are in intensive care, 167 people are on a respirationmachine. 67 people have died in the meantime. 58 people are cured and left the hospital. For now our hospitals can cope.
(Our country is around 30.500km2 and we live here with approx. 11,5 Milj. people.)
We need to control this virus, and keep it from spreading. Especially for the vulnerable people. My children will be fine, me and my wife will probably be fine, but our parents, and people with health issues are not. That is one reason for this social distancing, but there is also a practical side. We need a healthcare system that can deal with this,... and then we end up with the already famous Graphic. We need to slow down the virus... To describe it more visually : We don't need more people going to the hospital then the hospital can cope with. Thanks to these measures, so far, our country can cope. Unfortunatly Italy's and Spain's system is slowly collapsing....
So now, here we are at home. We notice suddenly that it is possible to perform our basic daily duties, and at the same time spend time with the family, but also give eachother enough space like everyone needs now and then. Off course we miss social contact. We miss our friends, Going to restaurants. I miss having a beer with friends, seeing concerts and shows. But it is the situation today. Our children don't have their weekly boyscout-meetings, so we're doing that at home. We are playing games, reading books, watching movies and series. We are performing music, listening to music, and starting personal projects we've put on the shelf for so long.
The 1 big side effect is the hoarding of food and (mainly) toiletpaper. I don't get it. We all receive pictures, videos, advise from stores,... on how our warehouses are filled. There is no problem. The reason that shelfs are empty is the fact that staff can't keep up with filling them in the store. I went to the store yesterday, and the shell for toiletpaper was completely empty. I don't get that, we are a week in... How much toiletpaper do you need ?
Helas it has the effect that people working in hospitals, go to the store at the end of the day and don't find enough suply for themselfs. The people who earn it much more than I do(and many others), I believe. They are currently our heroes.
We thank and support every nurse, doctor and staff. They are working the hardest these days. Nationally we applaud out of the window everyday from our house, and my wife is sewing mouthmasks for the staff of a retirement home in the neighbourhood.
It works, ... so far.
Today is World Syndrom day where we pay extra attention to people with down syndrom, by putting on different socks.
Take care of yourself,
Take care of each other
Much Love,
Stefan and family.
maandag 16 maart 2020
A playlist of Joe's work
Hello Everyone out there,
(I assume like a lot of people,) I find myself at home with much more time on hand then I'm used to.
Anyway, It gave me some time to prepare something I wanted to do for a long time, and at the same time, it will give you 6+ hours of listening pleasure.
I've made a playlist,... a totally incomplete, but still impressive list spanning Joe's entire career. You'll find a unique mixture of songs, with 1 thing in common. Joe Henry was involved in it.
Now that it is made, I'll keep on adding songs to it as they come.
Enjoy the listen,
and take care of yourselfs and others.
(I assume like a lot of people,) I find myself at home with much more time on hand then I'm used to.
Anyway, It gave me some time to prepare something I wanted to do for a long time, and at the same time, it will give you 6+ hours of listening pleasure.
I've made a playlist,... a totally incomplete, but still impressive list spanning Joe's entire career. You'll find a unique mixture of songs, with 1 thing in common. Joe Henry was involved in it.
Now that it is made, I'll keep on adding songs to it as they come.
Enjoy the listen,
and take care of yourselfs and others.
vrijdag 13 maart 2020
Cancelled and postponed shows
Because of the Corona pandemic; The entire entertainement world is suffering these days, and the following period. This naturally also affects shows by Joe.
It is absolutely necessary to take these measures. It's not a nice thing, but it is necessary.
So far I see as cancelled or postponed :
It is absolutely necessary to take these measures. It's not a nice thing, but it is necessary.
So far I see as cancelled or postponed :
March 18 / Boston, MA @ City Winery [Postponed]
March 19 / New York, NY @ The Cutting Room[Postponed]
March 21 / Vienna, VA @ Jammin’ Java [Postponed]
March 21 / Vienna, VA @ Jammin’ Java [Postponed]
April 7 / Portland, OR @ Mississippi Studios[Postponed]
March 26-29 / Knoxville, TN @ Big Ears Festival [Cancelled]
Joe will be in Europe in the 2nd half of April. I must admit, seeing how things are evolving, .... I personally doubt these shows can take place.
I do hope so, but I don't think it is going to happen. I'll be verry sad about it, but everyone's health comes first now !
Take care of each other out there !
With Love,
zondag 8 maart 2020
Women sing Waits
Come on up to the House : Women sing Waits
An album released a few months ago to celebrate Tom Waits' 70th Birthday.
With a little delay, I finally got to listen to these songs.
I remember when news of this album came and the tracklist was announced, some of my Waits-fan-(but first of all) good friends where sceptical. I'll address this to expectations and desires of what they wanted to hear, thinking about Waits.
When it comes to why I love Tom's work, I also will talk about his own strange world, the sounds, the stomping, the 'Clang-boom-steam'. I'll first listen to Bone machine, Raindogs, Real Gone... That's me.
Regarding this album; I didn't have any expectations, until I read who where the women, and which songs they would bring. I was not disappointed....
As a matter of fact, it made my appreciation even bigger (if possible). I am actually convinced that it where only these women who could make that possible.
I(we) tend to put Tom's musical genre, in the picture. It is Waitsian. But what this album puts on display is, and we know this off course, is what a great songwriter Tom is.
Men have also covered Tom's ballads, but because you have a male singer, I start to compare. But here : It are these interpretations who give the song, and not a Waits song. That has an enormous power for me. This time the song became free of its father. It became itself. It took for me these women to do that.
I think it is only the beauty of women who can bring out this beauty. They wrap their arms around me, and I am again that little boy in his mother's arms.
I was not planning on giving my song-to-song analysis, and if you'll ask me if I like each interpretation, the answer is no. Not alone is it a rare thing that I like each song on an album, there is also a matter of personal taste...
But I do want to name the openingtrack 'Come on up to the house' by Joseph. There is a weird blanket of sadness, hope and comfort in their version. It's the girl that intrigues you, and you'll never be able to put your finger on it.
Would I have written the same words on this album a few years ago ? I asked myself.
I think I have to admit I'd probably would not. Like I said; Tom's more cracked funk, is my thing.
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M.C. Escher |
You see, I am culturally and artisticly shaped by European Avant Garde. My DNA exists of Brecht and Weill, There is Stravinsky and Ravel, M. C. Escher, Alfonse Mucha. Panamarenko in my own Country, Horta, .... The Black Rider.
The Americana music was not my world. It is only by wandering around in Joe Henry's world that I discovered the beauty and warmth of this family. Through his words, poetry and eyes my (musical) world reshaped, and expanded.
So now I'm sitting here, listening to these women singing these beautiful songs, and I love it. I am happy.
Much Love,
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